India's first crowd-supported
weather infrastructure
Largest on-ground network of weather stations installed across the country
View live weather nowKey highlights of our weather infrastructure
750+Automated weather stations
12Real-time weather parameters
60Cities covered
1 minRefresh rate
~96%Signal accuracy
Get free API access to weatherproof your business
Weather impacts your day-to-day business operations for more than 100 days in a year
Ensure supply chain stability
Optimize cost of business operations
Manage unpredictable demand
Food delivery
Real estate
Wait. What? Free? Really?
Yes, we believe multiple companies and public institutions can use real-time weather data to boost the productivity of our economy.
This data is too valuable to keep to ourselves or monetise. Therefore, we are opening up access to this data to everyone for public good.
But of course, if the server costs of your API usage are super high, and you are an enterprise customer, we might contact you to pay some amount to continue using the API.
How this weather infrastructure helps
Zomato serve you better
Zomato serve you better